Industrial Vacuum System & Debris Collection Skip

At a glance
- Company
- Dublin Bus
- Product
- Central Vacuum
- Industry
- Manufacturing
A Beam Vacuum system was the perfect solution to ensuring efficiency in cleaning Dublin buses.
Dublin Bus Donnybrook, Dublin is Ireland's largest transport provider with a fleet of 1100 buses and approximately 3100 employees, transporting millions of customers annually.
The Issue:
The continuous accumulation of general litter inside single and double deck buses throughout the fleet include tickets, sweet papers, general waste and potential sharp and hazardous objects.
Survey Conclusion
Beam found that a high performance continuous duty vacuum producer with sound suppression would be ideal. Supplied with 1.5m3 roll over fork lift emptying collection skip with vacuum compaction, collected level indication and quick connect, disconnect couplings were the ideal solution for this application. A trial was arranged and concluded with an order for 6 of the units specified.

Units Specified
- Supply 6 No. Beam Scandab HV-13-O-S, 13KW 3 phase high performance vacuum unit mounted in a sound proof enclosure.
- Supply 6 No. Beam Scandab ALSA 11 PC Automatic reverse jet pulse fitter separator with 100 litre collection container suitable for bin liners to collect fine dust.
- Supply 6 No. Beam 1.5m3 heavy duty roll over vacuum collection skips with castors and with vacuum compaction screen full volume inlet large area discharge collected level indication and quick connect, disconnect couplings.

Since installing the first two systems in Donnybrook Bus Station in April 2002, Dublin Bus have installed a further 4 vacuum systems in each of their city wide depots. The 2 Donnybrook vacuum systems clean 360 buses each night with cleaning times approximately 4 minutes per bus.
Low maintenance is provided by the Siemens vacuum producer, automatic fitter cleaning and heavy duty roll over skip emptied by forklift.