Weld Fume Extraction System at Training Facility

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- Company
- South Western College, Cookstown
- Product
- Dust & Fume Extraction
- Industry
- Education
Beam were proud to have been selected to provide the weld fume extraction system at the new Welder Training Facility for South West College at Kilcronagh, Cookstown.
Students gain welding skills and qualification
This new training Academy is being launched to help meet high demand in the local engineering and manufacturing sector. Students at the Assured Skills Collaborative Academies will have the opportunity to gain skills and an industry-recognised qualification to allow them to kick-start a new career in welding.
The state-of-the-art facility has been developed to provide Assured Skills to new entrants to the industry and adds to the growing campus estate throughout Tyrone and Fermanagh.
Trainee welders will study to ETCAL Level 2 Performing Engineering Operations and Certified Abrasive Wheels Training utilising the latest manufacturing technologies including the use of Virtual Reality welder training equipment.
Automatic speed-controlled Weld Fume Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) System
Beam provided 12 No. self-supporting 4m extract arms complete with connecting ductwork and a central extract fan and external jet exhaust. Each arm is installed within a large, enclosed work booth and can be easily positioned to cover the work piece throughout the area. The extract arms maintain positional stability over the work piece for effective local extraction of welding fumes close to the source.

This extract LEV system features integrated speed control which adjusts the fan speed according to the number of operators using the extraction, thereby maximising the energy efficiency of the system.
The weld fume LEV system provides an essential service for the safe removal of harmful welding fumes and meets the Government CoSHH Regulations as specified within HSG-258.
We are proud to have this weld fume extraction system featured in the HSENI Safety in Welding Information Series (Part 5):
Weld Fume Extraction Commissioning
Beam engineers provided a bespoke training presentation to the new entrants and a full Handbook on the operation of the system was provided to the college.

Alastair Booth, Head of Engineering from the South Western College commented
“Weld fume has long been considered a hazard to operators and it was a priority for us to ensure we specified an extraction system for the new campus to protect the health of students entering this discipline. Northern Ireland has become a world leader in the manufacture of heavy quarry and associated plant and there is a high demand for new entrants in the sector - our goal for the new campus is to lead by example and provides a modern healthy learning environment, and an example to industry towards implementing the highest standards which will benefit personal welfare, productivity and quality to help Northern Ireland businesses compete on the global stage”
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Learn more about our Industrial Dust & Fume Extraction Solutions,, or get in touch today for expert advice on the services we can provide to suit your requirements.